Kent’s recent visit to his parents attic in Pennsylvania USA unearthed an exciting relic from the 1940’s. A couple of industrial microphones that would have originally been installed in a factory or a coal mine for staff announcements. The slim long one is a Lafayette, the other is a Shure Brothers Fat Boy. They are very very dirty inside and…

Im Kammgarn
Thank you Ursula Scherrer for those great images of our performances terms&conditions, Randensonate and our prototype of apidae. We had a swell time! And a special thank you to Gavin Maitland for persuading Hausi and the team of Kammgarn to let us use the space that Sunday afternoon!Our heros! …

Konzert im Kammgarn
Es stellt sich heraus, unsere Fans haben uns kurzerhand in eine andere Location umplatziert: Wir werden also im Rahmen der Vebikus Ausstellung “Wolken Riechen” unser Konzert in der Kammgarn aufführen.!! Flyer zu…

Concert at the Vebikus
We are very excited to present our audio-visual live performance terms&conditions, Randensonata, and a prototype of apidae on the 12. November, 15:00h at Vebikus, Schaffhausen. We will be spinning our digital beet roots in the same location as many of our local fellow artist friends (as in the above image Vincenzo Baviera, 2009). …

NoiseGate at H3K
Boris Magrini, curator of the concert series Noise Gate at H3K Basel, invited us to take part in their line-up for field recording based music. It was our first chance to try out our latest syncing technology via MIDI signal of Kent’s improvised quadrophonic composition and Jana’s live video collages (using our in development software LiveBetterSuite), showing our prototype pieces…

apidae teaser
For those of you who cannot wait any longer, here the teaser for apidae, our upcoming audio/visual performance. Original footage of sound and images are spliced into media arts custom softwares hurricane and live better suite, as well as other media, to create a unique quadrophonic composition and visual synthesis. On our quest for audio and visual recordings…

the 150yr old blacksmiths workshop
..and how it became the topic of our next audio/visual composition “Treibenreif”: Shortly after moving to the Klettgau, a remote valley on the northern Swiss border, we were wandering around our idyllic medieval village of Neunkirch when we first bumbled upon the old blacksmith shop. As chance would have it, the door was open and we entered into what seemed…

Randensonata in SocietyBite science magazine
It seems Mary Ellyn Johnson and Daniel Boos have written an article explaining the value and importance of DaDA today in a context of Re:Mix and copyright, giving our ‘Randensonata’ a nice mention. Thanks! – SocietyBite is a publication of the BHF (Bern University of Applied Sciences) Re:Dada – Collecting, performing and exhibiting Dada 100 years later By Daniel…

finally, the promo shot
We are very busy assembling our prototypes for our upcoming concerts, one in September and one in October. Finally, we managed to produce our promo shot – “all about the bees”. The 3 new works we are developing are composed of various field recordings and photographs, – the long awaited 150 year old smithy (Treibenreif) , – the Zäuerle und…