Guess what our next sound & image piece is going to feature? – bzz bzz bzzz
Category: Thoughts

Busy as a bee
Spring has sprung and we are off on sound safari, pestering some bees in the process. Jana° is due some danger money..

We’ve been hacked!
I guess it happens to anyone at some point,- but it sure is frustrating all the same. It turns out our server has been hacked and trying to extract all the foreign contaminants seems an endless task. We are slowly reassembling all our content, please be patient if some images dont show at this time. Let us know…

Laundry day for computer archaeologists
So yesterday we embarked on a very special laundry day. It turns out, cleaning vintage circuit boards is best done in the dish washer, who would have thought! – But lets explain: – Last Friday we were invited to our almost 80 year old neighbors house, who had been hinting he might have a few technological devices that we might…

NI – Spektral Delay
The things you can find at a new years’ clear out! Stefan Huber from Silent Wave found an old issue of Keys Magazine from 2001, containing an article about Spektral Delay (a real-time audio processing tool released by Native Instruments) and sent us a reminder. Guess who was the coder for it? You guessed right: Kent Clelland and Joachim Haas. The…

Large scale LED’s
Our recent trip to Reeperbahn in Hamburg has got us thinking about LED projects. What would happen if we display a Hurricane or MIDI signal via LED panels? Hm..

Raiders of the lost ark
At Silver Lake, Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, there is the little bakery cafe tropical. Although the Cuban sandwiches there should be legendary, that was not the reason we had to stop by there. It was for a little trip down memory lane. This bakery has a history. Once upon a time, not so long ago in the early 90’s maybe,…

Richard Neutra’s “Research House”
Very exciting to see that the Los Angeles home of jana°s father’s hero and former employer Richard Neutra has now turned into a museum for architecture students and admirers alike. A weird mix of artistic awe and childhood memories came flooding in while being shown around the space by an enthusiastic volunteer guide. Some of those German books on the…

Kinetic art by Nemo Gould
Nemo Goulds lovely and detailed kinetic sculptures are both charming and exquisitely crafted out of a multitude of recycle parts. We went to visit him, to see his workshop and received an exclusive viewing of his most recent pieces at a gallery nearby. It was a wonderful treat, thank you Nemo.