The W3rkH0f hosts an annual gathering of media artists, developers and hackers, acting as an incubator for upcoming collaborations and developments. Of course line_code were part of this. Here a little impression, an ad-hoc light, sound, fabric and air installation by Farmers Manual and jana°, displaying video and music accompaniment by Volker Böhm and Ken Gubler.
Author: admin

Advancement Prize 2018 for line_code
We are very proud to announce that this years advancement prize of the cultural department canton Schaffhausen has been awarded to to line_code, for our upcoming ambi-media surround sound and vision performance “Open Homeland”. We are currently very busy finalising the software to create a truly unique sound and vision experience, both acoustically and visually. All synthesizers are hand coded…

The Buchla400
When Kent arrived in the Santa Clarita valley in 1994, CalArts was only just re-opening after the Northridge Quake. The electronic music studios were declared a total loss and needed re-building. David Rosenboom tasked Kent to work closely with Tom Erbe to reconstruct a modern digital recording studio and media arts laboratories. In the six weeks before the fall semester…

ObjectiveC code poetry
One of our current ventures is making us explore the world of laser cutters.. Kent’s ObjectiveC in the audio editing tool LiveBetterSuite is being given a poetic treatment. Handwritten by jana°, it is then transferred by laser onto the disused wooden shelves from the 200 year old W3rkH0f where our art is created. Line_code poetry …

We are line_code
We often get asked what we do, how we explain our media arts made @ the w3rkhof, aka line_code: Kent is a highly experienced coder, with a distingushed career both in coding for computer music composition for renowned computer media artists as well as commercial tools (such as the Vokator, Spektral Delay, and Reaktor from Native Instruments and many others) See his CV…

“Kunst” kommt von ‘können’ …
… sonst würde sie ja “Wunst” heissen! – sagte schon Karl Valentin (1882-1948) Der Deutsche Kabarettist, Filmemacher und Autor durchschaute schon damals die oberflächlichen Tricks manch vermeintlicher Künstler. – Kent und Jana haben sich der Kunst verschrieben die keine Mühe scheut. Es wird Monate, an manchen Softwares schon Jahre gearbeitet. Details werden liebevoll und aufwändig gesammelt, vorbereitet und in die…

Workshop @ the Fotomuseum Winterthur
Jana° has been asked by Dr Doris Gassert, curator and researcher of the prestigious Fotomuseum Winterthur, to create an interactive and informative workshop about meta data, algorithms and machine learning. What is it all about?! A 2-3 hour workshop will tell. Available for booking now. Here a link to the website: Text auf Deutsch –> hier In Switzerland, more…

terms&conditions at the Rote Fabrik
Amazing sound and vision effects, installations swathed in clouds from the smoke machine. Line_code aka W3rkH0f media arts opened the 2 day event INITIATION by records on Tuesday evening with a reading of terms&conditions, as always, the audience had to agree to each individual point to unlock the ‘video services’ we provide. As always, the reactions were varied, but…

Initiation with terms&conditions
OUS, Dock18 und Digital Brainstorming präsentieren: Unter dem Titel “Initiation” werden an zwei Abenden “Mensch-Maschine” Beziehungen ausgelotet: Rituale, Kulte und Mythen aus dem Zeitalter von Robotern, Internet und Elektronik. Die Priester dieser technokratischen Gesellschaft sind Künstler, Programmierer, Musiker und DJs. Es beginnt kultig, um schliesslich exzessiv zu enden. W3rkH0f media arts eröffnet den Anlass mit ihrer Publikums-interaktiven Performance terms&conditions, Dienstag…

Gerald Bennett from ICST
We were privileged this last Saturday to be attending a very special 75th birthday party. Gerald Bennett, composer and co-founder of several music institutions, including ICEM (International Confederation of Electroacustic Music), SZCM (Swiss Institute for Computer Music) and the ICST computer music department at the Zurich school of applied arts (ZHdK) where he was also the director until 2007. His…